Die Kirchliche Pädagogische Hochschule Edith Stein kooperiert mit den folgenden Hochschulen in Europa. Studierende haben die Möglichkeit, an diesen Partnerhochschulen unter Anrechnung der Auslandssemester zu studieren.
Nach Bewertung unseres Antrages für das Programm für lebenslanges Lernen (EAC/61/2006) wurde, durch unabhängige ExpertInnen in Brüssel, der KPH - Edith Stein die ERASMUS Universitäts-Charta STANDARD zuerkannt. Die Charta berechtigt die KPH Edith Stein an dezentralen ERASMUS Aktivitäten teilzunehmen und für die von der Exekutivagentur verwalteten zentralisierten ERASMUS-Aktionen (multilaterale Projekte, Netze und begleitende Maßnahmen) zu agieren.
Die folgende Auflistung enthält Selbstbeschreibungen und Kontaktmöglichkeiten zu allen Partnerhochschulen der KPH Edith Stein.
"Want to study at a dynamic and professional university college? Leuven University College is the right choice for you. Here you can take a bachelor degree course or an exchange programme together with more than 8000 other students in one of Europe's most lively student towns."
Haute École “Robert Schuman” Arlon
"Notre établissement participe au "Longlife Learning Program". Vous souhaitez en savoir plus, découvrir toutes les possibilités de mobilité ?
Pädagogische Hochschule Freiburg
"In allen Studiengängen haben Kompetenzorientierung, Professionalisierung und Intensivierung des Theorie-Praxis-Bezugs, die Nutzung der Erfahrungen mit Evaluationen und die verstärkte Berücksichtigung der Studierbarkeit die Lehrqualität gesichert und gefördert. Insbesondere durch die Masterstudiengänge wird eine größere Forschungsnähe des Studiums erzielt. Da die neuen Studienprogramme ebenso wie die Lehramtsstudiengänge stets mehrere Disziplinen einbeziehen, wird auch die fächerübergreifende Zusammenarbeit gestärkt."
Link zur Hochschule
Katholische Hochschule für Sozialwesen Berlin
Die Katholische Hochschule für Sozialwesen ermöglicht Studierenden eine fundierte akademische Ausbildung – forschungsstark, praxisnah und persönlichkeitsbildend zugleich. Sie ist ein Ort, an dem Lehren und Lernen heißt, dialogisch um befriedigende Antworten zu ringen – offen, kritisch und im wechselseitigen Respekt.
Link zur Hochschule
Freie Universität Berlin
Die Freie Universität Berlin im Südwesten der Hauptstadt ist eine international ausgerichtete Universität. An ihr lernen rund 33.500 Studierende und forschen etwa 4000 Promovierende. Rund 460 Personen haben eine Professur inne, sie lehren und forschen in einem breiten Fächerspektrum der Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften sowie Natur- und Lebenswissenschaften. Die Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin ist eine gemeinsame Einrichtung von Freier Universität und Humboldt-Universität.
Università degli Studi di Urbino
"Today the University of Urbino is a State University. It numbers 10 faculties and about 17,000 students. Its numerous departments are housed in buildings of outstanding architectural interest, and it offers students and scholars a wide range of courses and research opportunities. Urbino provides the ideal setting for a university: the ancient cwithin walking distance and tpeople, teachers and students."
The University of Malta
"The University of Malta is the highest teaching institution in Malta. It is publicly funded and is open to all those who have the requisite qualifications. Over the past few years, the University has reviewed its structures in order to be in line with the Bologna Process and the European Higher Education Area. Conscious of its public role, the University strives to create courses which are relevant and timely in response to the needs of the country. The supreme governing bodies of the University are the Council and the Senate."
Marnix Academie
"The Marnix Academie trains students to become qualified primary school teachers; a varied profession involving great responsibility! Your job is to prepare your pupils for the world they live in and to guide them in their search for values and principles.
Primary education also pays attention to each individual child. All children are unique and each one deserves the most fitting education. It is your task as a primary school teacher to see that they receive that education. Together with other experts and the parents you work to develop the talents of each child and to help them achieve to the best of their ability."
Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU)
NTNU is an international oriented university with headquarters in Trondheim and campuses in Gjøvik and Ålesund.
We are presently educating about 8000 students in degree programmes within the fields of Business and Administration, Health and Social Work, Informatics, Interpreter for the Deaf, Teacher Education and Technology. In addition we provide a wide range of continuing professional education courses qualifying for entrance to a multitude of professions."
Instituto Politecnico do Porto
"The internationalisation of IPP began in 1989 allowing it to develop good relationships with various countries in Europe, America, Africa, Asia and its permanent collaboration in cooperation programmes for Higher Education (Socrates, Leonardo da Vinci, Tempus, ALFA e EU-Asia IT&C) financed by the European Commission.
IPP remains truly committed to its growing internationalization. The increasing number of students, teachers and staff both in incoming and outgoing mobility is noticeable and also the various projects IPP is involved in, either as a partner or as a coordinating institution.
Today, responding to the new challenges, we consolidate and expand our intervention in different areas We recognise the importance of the international study and work experience and we value the different dimensions of the exchange: the scientific, the pedagogical, the economic, also the cultural and the social one. In the end, this is what makes the difference, what we can learn from each other."
Faculty of Education and Society, Malmö University
"Malmö University welcomes students from the 283 universities it has exchange agreements with. By participating in programmes like Erasmus Mundus it can offer scholarships to students to study at Malmö, as well as sending its own staff and students overseas. Participation in thematic networks, such as the International Network of Universities, Santander group and The Dorich House group, has encouraged staff exchange and new opportunities for research collaboration."
Universidad Católica de Valencia San Vicente Mártir, Valenzia
"Born at the heart of the Valencian Church, the Catholic University of Valencia “San Vicente Mártir” is an incomparable center of creativity and radiation of knowledge for the good of society. As it stands now, it is the combined result of the university work carried out for over fifty years by the University School of Nursing “Ntra. Sra. de los Desamparados”, the work undertaken by the Edetania Foundation for more than thirty years and ten years worth of efforts and dedication by the School of Business Studies. The Catholic University seeks a demanding quality of university life: the joint work between faith and reason; the strengthening of an authentic university community in a climate of academic friendship; and the purpose of creating and maintaining a singularly personalized relationship with the students."
Ostravska univerzita v Ostrave
"The University of Ostrava was founded on 28 September 1991. Its origins can be traced back to 1953, when a training college for future primary school teachers was opened in the nearby town of Opava. In 1959, all teacher training within the region was streamlined into a single institution – the newly established Pedagogical Institute in Ostrava. Five years later, the institute was awarded university status and became an independent Faculty of Education, offering four-year degree courses to future primary school teachers. Ostrava was now a fully-fledged university city. The Faculty’s staff became actively involved in academic and cultural life not only within the region, but on a national level. The range of degrees was later extended to include a five-year programme for future teachers of higher year groups."